This Post is dedicated to my English Teacher – because the first sentence already contains a grammer problem that I am not able to solve…
Here we go:
We were on/at/in Helgoland. This is a small – well a VERY small island in the Northern Sea. I was there with my boyfriend to find out wether we can go to the Maledives for X-mas.
Well, the answer is: we cannot! After only a few hours on this german island we got “island-sick”. This was partly because the Helgoland-island is very small, partly because it was fraught with beer-gutted germans. Well the stress is on BEER-GUTTED, not on germans.
Anyways – we found out, that islands are not for us. What is for us is a good deal more … . Well I don’t know. This will have to be found out through the elimination-method. And this will take ages.
Great job to fulfill in a lifetime!